Isn’t Compliance Just Box Ticking?

What a question, isn’t compliance just box ticking? It’s a common view, but is it right?

There certainly is a certain amount of box ticking, but there also a lot more. It is mostly about safeguarding.

Safeguarding your business, safeguarding your staff and safeguarding yourself as the business owner.

Safeguarding your business

I have to be honest, this normally requires an attitude shift for those with a box-ticking view of compliance. It’s worth while though.

One of the most tangible benefits is that to your reputation. How?

Well how much do you like negative reviews? Not a lot, right? Well look at and see how honest, and damning, many of the reviews are.

If you want a similarly negative review then ignore compliance. Try and hire good staff once you’ve got a bad reputation.

Safeguarding your staff

Why would you not want to provide a good environment for your most valuable asset? It’s surprisingly easy to help your staff feel and be safe.

I’m not talking about creating a cotton wool box for them to work in. it’s about being practical. Risks exist in any organisation, it’s your job to minimise them.

Guidelines from CIPD, HSE and ISO are all there to help. Staff that feel safe in their environment normally feel more engaged. Without realising it the give more. More time. More effort. And you get better results.

Safeguarding yourself

This is the most controversial element in this article. Why? Because people most often think its about narcissism. I disagree.

If you make sure that as the business owner, or a senior manager in any organisation, that you are appropriately protected, you are not only following many guidelines (including some laws) you are also being practical.

You will be providing your staff with more security. You will make the business, or organisation, less exposed to reputational damage. You will provide a secure footing for the rest of your business to be built upon.

All this from safeguarding yourself.

What’s Next?

Well, based on my previous blogs, this one is quite light on detail. Please look through the other blogs here: Blog Archives – Eye Bray Limited

The information you want may well be here. Some of what I provide is very detailed.

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