
What Is Compliance

How do you conquer a subject as big as compliance? The answer is in pieces.

Tax doesn’t have to be taxing say the adverts. The only way it isn’t – is by listening to an expert. So how many other topics are there and how will you have to cover? Well, apart from tax compliance, there’s LOADS!

I won’t go into a full list here, compliance can be related to so much, like; regulatory matters, information security, or even industry related topics like BS and ISO standards. It’s all relevant, whether you like it or not, and it has to be considered and dealt with appropriately.

Here’s a taster of things to consider:

  • What not to do when running a company, or when you’re a senior manager in someone else’s company.
  • The responsibility you have to any staff you employ.
  • How to treat personal information, as defined in law.
  • What business standards are and how they affect your business.
  • Understand the risks that exist in your company (or the company you are senior manager in)
  • Any industry specific rules.

There’s definitely a wrong way of doing things. Ignoring requirements imposed by any recognised body, industry, sector, or legal framework, are some of them. However, there’s generally a fair amount of flexibility about what a right way would look like. Indeed, there’s a raft of ISO standards to act as guidelines.

No matter what your standpoint is, anyone looking at your business, or club, organisation, etc., will make a judgement on what they see. 

If Google doesn’t see an SSL certificate on your website it downgrades it. Harsh? Why would you think that? Keeping people informed and safe has to be a good thing.

That is what compliance is all about. Being informed and safe. That happens when owners and directors understand the requirements they are accountable for. Do you understand your requirements? No? Then do something about it!

Do you want to make things better for you in your business? I can be the link that gets you compliant!

Being Compliant Leads to growth

Not seen, or heard, about this before? It’s difficult to understand it without context, isn’t it. Some who are older, like me, will remember being told to “Look For the Kite Mark” when buying goods, especially childrens clothes, and toys. 

Kite Marks have now been replaced by the BS and BS EN standards, but they do the same thing, they are a mark of quality and many people still look for such things. A modern comparison would be looking for a tradesman on the “Trust a Trader” website. It is still implying a certain level of respectability in a corner of the market with more horror stories than there really should be.

Whatever your sector there is an accreditation that could seriously affect your credibility – and yes I do mean positively. Gaining these standards does require a fair amount of work and a lot of documents need to be either checked and maybe re-written, or created from scratch. there could be a change in your general method of management in the business too. Isn’t is worth it if it takes your business to the next level or two?

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