Well the storm of 2020 has created quite the financial tempest. How have you been doing weathering the Covid storm? All normal rules have been “thrown out of the window”.

Government intervention (whatever you think of it) has certainly helped many businesses stay open for longer than they otherwise would.

What else can you do to help your business survive? The short answer is to reach out and get an external perspective. How many of us would either cut our own hair, or trust our partner to do it? How many of us have waited until the hairdressers, or barbers re-opened? What did you do? Why? Because it makes sense.

Find Out Where to Get Help in the Storm

It can be tricky to find the place to get help right for your business.  There’s certainly lots of options. Do you want to take part in a prescriptive programme or do you want some one-on-one bespoke attention? Or is there a mix of both that you are looking for?

It can be difficult to find someone that can do everything for you. There are some, like us, that can help you with specific aspects of your goals and dreams and turn them into a reality through thought, planning and prescribed action.

Is this going to be expensive? Well it certainly doesn’t need to cost a million dollars and finding somewhere with a variable plan can help you start turning those dreams into a reality.

How You Can Protect Your Finances

At Eye Bray we value what you do, and both how and why you do it, as much as how we interact with you. Your organisations ethos is one of the things we get to know first. We do not jump in with “textbook” solutions. We draw from your experiences, your history so that together we can build the pathway to your dreams.

We believe in providing flexibility in such way that you can pre-book an amount of time that you choose to utilise, within an agreed framework, for a single payment every month.  You can build up a bank of time to get some concentrated help when you need it. You can also borrow time, within an agreed framework, to enable you to use the contracted time available to you.

We are sure that this is not the only scheme on the market, but our service plan is available to any size of business with a series of timeslots available from 3 hours per year up to 24 hours per year. All wrapped in a simple monthly payment. We feel that our service plan is an ideal way to stay in touch with someone with your organisations best interest at heart in a way you will feel comfortable with.

What Can You Achieve Through and After the Storm?

The start point is a completely complementary session. This is to make sure that we think we are a good fit for your organisation as much as getting to know about you. It normally takes about an hour and a half to complete.

Next, we work out together what can be achieved and how we can deliver the outcomes for you. If we cannot help you, we’ll say so. Then, we will put you in touch with the appropriate company from our bank of trusted partners that we believe is a better fit for you. It really is your organisation and its progression that we are interested in. It is more important to get your organisation getting right than doing it wrong!

All you then have to do is make the time available to make the magic happen. We can be involved as much as you want, but there will be a lot of effort required from you. You will need to decide how long you are prepared to wait for each step towards your dream to happen. The more time you dedicate the sooner you will get there.

Budgeting wisely is, of course, the other side of the coin. But, what is available as funding? Have you used up the CBILS or BBL amounts available to you? Can you obtain grants for what you want to do? Can you find it through tax efficiency rebates? All of these should be explored before deciding your final course of action. Don’t forget the amount of time you spend on reaching this dream will be part of the cost equation – if you don’t apportion your time appropriately.

Where Will You End Up After the Storm?

This is really down to you. It starts with remembering the passion you had when you started. The “WHY”, that so many motivational speakers talk about. If you cannot rekindle that passion and fall in love with your business all over again it will be a lot harder to reach your dream.

Reaching a dream is a journey. Each journey starts with a single step. Not every step will lead you directly to that dream, but each and every one is as valuable as the one before it and the one after.

If this has whetted your appetite to get some external perspective check out some of our blogs. Whether on either Data Protection, or how we can help you to change how you do things find further information here: https://eyebray.com/category/gdpr/, and/or https://eyebray.com/category/change/

If not, we would be pleased to answer your enquiry through enquiries@eyebray.com , by calling 0743211611, or why not https://wa.me/447943211611 .

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